Kingdom of Saudi Arabia recognizes Republic of Kosovo


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia declared that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has recognized Kosovo and expressed intent to establish diplomatic relations with the young European state.

We would like to extend our gratitude to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Saudi people and HRH King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud and the rest of the royal family.

Saudi Arabia becomes the 58th UN Member state to recognize the Republic of Kosovo.

Reports: Saudi Press Agency | Kosovo MFA

Update (1): Union of the Comoros recognize Kosovo

Update: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Kosovo has received a verbal note from the government of the Union of the Comoros in which the Foreign Minister of Comoros, Mr. Ahmed Ben Said Jaffar, offers his support and congratulations to Kosovo on its independence and wishes prosperity and stronger ties between the two states. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Kosovo is in process of confirming whether this verbal note also states intent of establishing diplomatic relations between the two countries, and thus recognition.

The leader of the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR), Behgjet Pacolli said that the Union of the Comoros has recognized the independence of Kosovo. According to Mr. Pacolli, this decision will be formalized in due time with the Government of Republic of Kosovo. The exact date of the formal decision is not yet known.

The KosovoThanksYou team has contacted the Permanent Mission of the Union of the Comoros to the United Nations in New York, but was not able get confirmation of this news as the ambassador was on duty travel. KosovoThanksYou team is currently working on confirming this recognition with relevant authorities in the Comoros. We expect to attain confirmation early next week.

Relevant Reports: MFA of Kosovo, Gazeta Express

Republic of The Gambia recognizes Kosovo

Republic of The Gambia has recognized Kosovo as an independent state. The official note was sent today to the Embassy of Kosovo in Washintgon DC.

The recognition is formalized after the meeting of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Skender Hyseni with the ambassador of The Gambia to United Nations, Susan Waffa-Ogoo on March 26th, 2009.

The Gambia becomes the 57th country that has recognized Kosovo as an independent and sovereign state.

Download MFA of Kosovo announcement

Indonesia open towards recognition of Kosovo

During a speech made to the London School of Economics on the 31st of March 2009, the President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, gave positive signs that Indonesia might recognize Kosovo if it becomes clear that Kosovo is a special case. The president also noted that the independence of Kosovo is part of the nation building process resulting from the collapse of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, a process that has not yet concluded.

President Yudhoyono said that Indonesia considers two important points in this situation, the sovereignty of countries under international law, and the will of the people of Kosovo to be independent.

President Yudhoyono stated that “for now it is quite possible for Indonesia to accept the independent status of Kosovo after we examine carefully that there is a different situation in Myanmar”, adding that, “after the process of Balkanization you have the independent state of Kosovo.”

The President of Indonesia also added that “we are still following the situation in Kosovo and it is quite possible that some day Indonesia recognizes the independence of Kosovo.”

Orchestral Version of Kosovo National Anthem now available

The Orchestral Version of the Kosovo National Anthem composed by Mendi Mengjiqi is now available at the Kosovo Thanks You website.

This recording of the Kosovo Anthem was performed by the Philharmonic Orchestra of Kosovo on February 17, 2009, marking the first anniversary of Kosovo’s Independence.

Until now, the only version available of Kosovo’s Anthem was the computerized MIDI version. The Kosovo Thanks You team is making this version public for the first time.

You need flash player to play this music.

Download Anthem (MP3):

Philharmonic Orchestra of Kosovo

United States Navy Band


Related links:  State Symbols

Bahrain Parliament approves proposal on recognition of Kosovo

The Bahrain Parliament’s foreign affairs, defense and national security committee approved today in its weekly meeting a proposal on recognition on Kosovo’s independence.

The head of committee Sheikh Adel Al Muawda stressed for an immediate recognition of Kosovo Independence and establishing diplomatic relations with the new republic. The head of committee also urged Arab and Islamic countries to follow suit through the Gulf Cooperation Council, the Arab League, and the Organization of Islamic Conference .

Source: Bahrain News Agency

10 years since NATO came to Kosovo’s aid

The 24th of March marks the 10th anniversary of NATO strikes aimed at stoping vioelence and ethnic cleansing on Kosovar Albanians. A whole generation of Kosovars will remember this day for all their lives, and with 10 years behind us we can only focus on the future and for this future to be a bright one. Today Kosovo is independent and recognized by 56 UN member states, and many other friends around the world.

But also to this day, the same ideology that in 1999 attempted to forcefully subdue a peaceful nation and tried for almost a century to destroy its future by closing universities, schools and treating Kosovo as a colony, is continuing its bizare and hard to comprehend campaign. The ideology that sits today in Belgrade has caused too much suffering for everyone in South East Europe and we can only hope that 10 years from now it will be history.

Therefore, 10 years may have passed and most countries in the Balkans might have moved on, but we still await for the rest to catch up. At least so we hope.

We must also not forget the thousands that are missing and whose families await to learn about the fate of their loved ones. 10 years later, forgivness has yet to be sought by those that caused harm.

We may celebrate, but we must also remember.

5 senior Serb officials guilty of war crimes in Kosovo, 1 acquitted

The guilty verdict by the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) at the trial of 5 out of 6 high ranking Serb government figures for the crimes they committed and organized during the Kosovo-Serbia war in 1999 brings some justice to the people of Kosovo. This decision, although welcomed, should be a reminder to the countries around the world that justice is still being demanded by the victims.

Additionally, the guilty verdict of a Former Serbian Prime Minster, top Generals and security decision makers, of the Serbian Republic should speak volumes about the legality of Kosovar independence. Kosovo had and continues to have not only the moral right, but the legal right to protect its people and its independence.

It is important not to forget that many Kosovars are still missing and are presumed dead. Many perpetrators of these crimes are still free and living in Serbia, and some are also active in political life and decision making.

As long as these questions remain unanswered, justice will only be half-done.

The guilty verdict is welcomed, but also serves as a reminder to the world that this is not the end of the story.